Roleplaying Character at: Minuial
na Aduial
Username: Khallandra
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Character Name: Beleg Strongbow
Race: Elf of Doriath
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Nationality: Grey-Elf from Doriath
Chief of Thingol's march-wardens and protector of Doriath. Great elven archer
and woodsman and healer also known by the name "Strongbow" or
Tall, bulky, dark haired elf that carries a great Elven bow by the name of
Belthronding which is made out of black yew and a dark sword by the name of
History: After the siege of
Angband many of the Grey-Elves fled to Doriath the kingdom of Melian and Thingol,
soon Morgoth attacked again overthrowing the sons of Farafin. The world of
Beleraind was in peril and when the people of Haleth from the Forest of Brethil
(namely Halmir) called for aid from Doriath, Beleg Strongbow lead a group of
Sindar armed with axes into Brethil and caught the Orc-legions in their grasp
– smiting them without abandon. Bringing peace to the land the people of
Brethil lived in peace for many years.
After the huge evil wolf
Carcharoth ate the Silmaril and ran onto Menegorth, Beleg along with, Huan the
Hound of Valinor, Mablung, Beren and even King Thingol rode out on the Hunting
of the Wolf. As they passed over the River Esgalduin Luthien felt a shadow pass
over her in an evil omen. The Hunters came upon the wolf in a dark valley before
a great waterfall but the cunning creature hid, so the Hunters set up a guard
and waited for the creature to attack. All except Huan who had spied Carcharoth
in the thicket and went in for the attack but seeing his enemy Carcharoth
attacked Thingol instead – leaping forward Beren stabbed the great beast to
distract him whilst Huan leapt from behind. Beleg and Mablung quickly came to
the aid of Thingol but upon seeing Beleg’s injuries and the body of Huan they
threw aside their spears and wept. The three hunters raised Beren Camlost upon a
bier, Huan alongside him and took him to Menegorth where Luthien was waiting.
Of the Fifth Battle:
Nirnaeth Aroediad. Gwindor of Nargothrond went to the Nrothern war with the sons
of Feanor under the banner of the house of Fingolfin, whilst Thingol was asked
to yield the Silmaril, becoming angry he refused and instead fortifying his
borders and not lending any aid to his Northern kin. Beleg and Mablung asked
Thingol if they could go to war and he conceded making them promise not to march
under the orders of the sons of Feanor. The pair agrees and joined the hosts of
Fingon. As Fingon looked out from the walls of Eithel Sirion he saw his host
spread out in the valleys and woods away from the prying eyes of the enemy. But
by fowl craft Morgoth taunted his enemy and drew them forth – they reached
Angband but on the fourth day a host of Men betrayed the allies and forced the
Elves into retreat – slaying an untold number of them including Fingon, the
High King of the Noldor. Sensing all to be lost Beleg returned home to Doriath.
During a routine patrol
of the borders Beleg came across Turin who felt pity for the young man and lead
him to Menegroth where the boy was fostered. As he grew Turin became strong and
hail and took up arms and together with Beleg they travelled the forests. After
three years they returned, Turin wild and unkept, during unfortunate events
Turin was responsible for the death of Saeros one of the messengers from Nandor
and so he fled leaving his best friend behind. When Beleg returned from the
north marshes Thingol sent him to find Turin and so Beleg Strongbow once again
left the lands of Doriath in search of his friend. He travelled far and wide
across Beleriand, after a year had passed Beleg came across Turin’s camp in
the night when Turin was not there, so the outlaws bound him to a tree and
treated him cruelly until Turin returned and was shocked and forced them to
release his friend. Beleg implored Turin to accept the pardon of Thingol but the
man refused and Beleg told Turin to look for him at Dimbar if he was in need of
his help and left the camp. Beleg quickly returned to Thingol and Melian and
told them all, begging Thingol to let him become the guard and guide of Turin.
Thingol assented and told Beleg to choose a sword to which Beleg choose
Anglachel, the blade crafted by Ëol, ignoring Melian’s warning he took the
sword and returned to Dimbar and his men, slaying the Orcs before setting out to
find Turin yet again. During midwinter Beleg came upon the camp yet again,
clothed in white he scared all of the men before revealing his giant bulk and
face. Thus Beleg joined the outlaws giving the men lembas from Melain
when needed and tending to their injuries and he quickly became held in high
honour amongst the outlaws, all save Mim the Dwarf who hated the Elf with
abandon. Putting on the Dragon-helm, Turin and Beleg became known to the enemy
as “The Helm and the Bow.” Betraying the company Mim lead the Orcs to the
men where most were slain and Turin taken captive, finding Beleg lying wounded
Mim tried to kill the Elf but failed and was chased away. But Beleg was sourly
wounded and when he couldn’t find the body of Turin he set out northwards
following the Orcs, not sleeping and barely eating. In his sorry state Beleg
came upon another Elf sleeping by a dead tree, waking him and giving him lembas
he learnt that the Elf was Gwindor of Nagothrond and together they went in
search of Turin. Whilst the camp was sleeping Beleg took out his bow and shot
the wolf sentinels and entered the camp finding Turin strapped to a tree.
Together they released Turin and took him into a thicket of thorn trees where
Beleg drew Anglachel and cut urin’s bond – but the blade slipped and Beleg
pierced Turin’s foot. Turin awoke with rage and seized Anglachel slaying Beleg
with a fell stroke. Seeing that he had killed his friend Turin retreated inside
himself into a pit of despair and only on the insistence of Gwindor did they
bury Beleg in a shallow grave, the great bow Belthronding beside him. Thus
passed Beleg Strongbow of Doriath, Laer Cu Beleg.
Sample RP post:
Beleg stretches in the morning sun, his neck
creaking as he turns it to the newley risen sun admiring the view from his
vantage point high in the trees. Nimbley he jumps to the ground, grabbing his
bow and quiver on the way down. He washes his face in the nearby stream before
letting out a shrill whistle between his teeth. He waits patiently for the
answering call and makes his way over to the direction of the sound.
have seen three creatures of unknown origin lingering in the south western
border," remarks the marsh-warden.
nods his head in thanks before following the Elf to the location of the possible
intruders. Beleg peers around the tree and spies the three creatures,
"Dwarves," he whispears and the other Elf nods his head - they were
very strange looking dwarves.
steps into the clearing, looking down at the small creatures, "You are
not welcome here, leave."
large ugly dwarf steps forward, "This will be our home, you can not make
us leave."
raises an eyebrow, "Really?"
a flick of his wrist, barely even noticable several Elves step into view, their
bows knocked and pointed at the dwarves.
dwarf looks at him in horror and the three scamper away, Beleg turns to his
companion, "Follow them, make sure they don't even think about coming